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In 2003 I was introduced to an alternative form of therapy. To many, Homeopathy is largely unknown even though it was first created in 1786 by Samuel Hahnemann.  And the unknown is often frowned upon. It is described as a pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine, a black hole to which questions have difficult answers. How does it work? Does it even work? Is it just a placebo effect?


Homeopathy is a "treatment" based on the use of highly diluted substances, which when properly prescribed, can cause the body to heal itself.



Homeopathy is a form of medicine, which aims to balance this discord of the elements, by embracing a holistic, natural approach to the treatment of the sickness. For me, it is another tool with which I can restore my patient’s health, to even try and “cure” the ailment. Homeopathy is a journey that my patients and I embark on together. A journey during which there is self-discovery. The patient learns to listen to their body, to be more in tune and more observant. It is a discipline that requires patience and I believe a little faith.


Homeopathic ‘remedies’ are made from plants, minerals and some include animal products, and are available as ointments, gels, drops, creams, and tablets.  The treatments are tailored specifically for each person and are based on the patients “individual” needs e.g. two different people who may have the same symptoms may well receive different treatments.


The Principles of Homeopathy

  • similia similibus curentur - “Like cures like”—the disease can be cured by administering a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people.


“By similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured”. Hippocrates (460-377 BC), 'Father of Medicine'  


It wasn’t until 1786 that Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician applied this principle into a system of medicine which we describe today as Homeopathy.


Dr. Hahnemann recorded the symptoms (provings) that developed in healthy volunteers (provers) while taking a specific substance. The provings became the basics for the homeopathic “picture” of, and indications for, each remedy.  Over the years, the homeopathic pictures of over 2000 substances have been derived.


  • “Law of minimum dose”the lower the dose of the medication, the gentler and the greater its effectiveness of their curative action.

Hahnemann noticed that the more the medicines were diluted, the less toxic the reactions became to the provers, and he also noticed, the forms of these diluted substances seemed to act at a much deeper level in the body.


As each dilution is made (1 drop of product to 99 drops of solution) it is shaken (succession). One part of this shaken dilution is further diluted and the process is repeated. This procedure is called “potentization”. The more dilute a remedy is made the more “potent” it becomes. When a remedy is prescribed (after a detailed medical history and examination), the potency of the remedy is decided by the severity of the condition and the overall level of health of the patient.


Single Remedy

Homeopathic practitioners, like myself, who practice Classical Homeopathy prescribe one remedy at a time.  The chosen remedy is matched (prescribed) to the patient symptoms, having a similar picture. The use of a single remedy avoids any confusion from the effects that might be produced if more than one medicine were to be given at the same time.  


No allergic reactions
No life threatening side effects


Sounds confusing?

It can be!

But together it can be a journey worth the outcome.


Homeopathy is not for the faint hearted. But if this is a treatment option you wish to embark on, I am happy to try and answer all your questions.

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